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Learning to Live with Love!

Public·12 members

llearn to live with love!

Hope Through Darkness
July 12, 2024 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos. Our first class is on meditation how important it is to our every day stress and daily living. Meditation has been one of the most beneficial and longest lasting practices of grounding, stress, reduction, and experiencing a universal connection with all things. The best time to meditate is as soon as you wake up Before you get out of bed lay there for 15 minutes or more and focus on your breathing. We just developed a seven day course on meditation and the importance. It will have throughout your day whether it struggles with stress, money, love anger, loss, grief meditation will always help you center and balance yourself to this world and grow throughout the Universal connection everything shares.

Contact us today! Get a free consultation for you or a loved one, call and find out more about our services, care, and personal treatment plans as well as life coaching and addiction management. We are here. We are one!

The struggles of relationships ending or stumbling has been one of the most challenging hill our clients have had to climb lately, from financial stress, to personal pain, allow us to help you through some of the darkest nights and loneliest days, staring at a phone that won’t ring…We can help develope a treatment plan to get through together!

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